
Does your furniture meet UK Fire Regulations and Crib 5 standards?

For any commercial furniture acquired, we recommend that due diligence is met and checks are done before purchasing to ensure that they meet British Safety Standards and are in line with ‘UK Fire Regulations 1988’. There are 3 main fire tests as set out by British Standards to meet UK Fire Regulations for commercial use. BS 5852 are the Cigarette (Source 1), Match (Source 2) and Crib 5 (Source 5) test. 

The Crib 5 test essentially means, does your furniture have a degree of fire resistance and are your chairs, sofas and any other upholstered indoor furniture at your firm flame retardant? If they are, this significantly reduces the risk of ignition which could provide your company with valuable time to save lives in the event of a fire. For health and safety reasons, this is something your firm should always check with your existing furniture and before purchasing any new contract furniture.

At JB Commercial Furniture, all of our upholstered indoor furniture is Crib 5 tested. Crib 5 materials are commonly used in offices, the health care sector, cinemas, restaurants and cafes.

For further information about our furniture and how it meets British Standards (Crib 5), please feel free to contact our team to request one of our latest contract upholstery pattern cards for our fabrics and vinyls. Otherwise, please view the government legislation pertaining to furniture and furnishings and UK Fire Regulations (Crib 5).

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